Wednesday, 29 February 2012

DJI Analysis [24th Jan chart]
Almost target reached 13060-13100 target expected. todays high 13055.50.

DJI Technical Chart and analysis for buy call - Open buy call at 12702 for 13100 [high 13050]
Call closed

Profit : 350 points

Reached 78.6%.

I will analysis and post the new short call for DJI - Dow Jones tomorrow.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Amibroker 5.5

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.50.4 (as compared to 5.50.3)
  1. New Analysis: “Show arrows for actual trades” sometimes used date range from old AA. Fixed
  2. New Analysis: Individual backtest – custom metrics columns would not appear if very first symbol under test does not generate ANY trades. Fixed.
  3. UI: when you float a maximized MDI window it becomes little smaller so it does not overlap MDI tabs.
  4. Print/Print Preview: circle/arc/rectangle objects outside current view are properly clipped on printouts
  5. New Analysis: When user cancelled optimization in the middle and ran backtest afterwards then this single follow up backtest could be incorrect and required another run to produce correct result again. Fixed.
  6. When timeshift != 0 then duplicate range markers could appear at day boundary. Fixed.
  7. Small rounding issue in ray drawing fixed
  8. When multiple chart panes were using SetForeign on rare occassions foreign call could fail (return other symbol data) Fixed.